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Thank you for picking and introducing a paper!

CEEB DG wouldn't happen without you.

Choosing a paper

Anything in the realm of conservation, ecology, evolution or behaviour is fair game.  The only guidelines are: avoid data-free reviews (data generates better debate), shorter is better, try and choose something of broad interest, and only pick ONE paper.

Motivating the paper

Your only jobs are to:

- read the entire paper carefully

- provide a very brief introduction of the paper and why you picked it. 2 min is plenty - this is just to kick things off and give some context to why the paper is exciting for those not familiar with it's topic

- have 3-4 discussion points/questions in your back pocket to kick-start the discussion, which will only be needed if it starts to flag.

- try and make sure the discussion doesn't filter through you. Ideally the discussion will be a web of interactions with few noticeable nodes (i.e. everyone speaks to everyone) - you don't have to defend the paper or speak for the authors, though it's great if you've got a good handle on what they did if questions arise.

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